She had her dentistry degree in Turkey in2005 and was accepted to one of the toppaediatric dentistry programs at EgeUniversity and became a Specialist inPaediatric Dentistry in 2012.Dr Yasemin appreciates her field indentistry gives a great opportunity toinfluence children’s facial development withminor interventions. Her interest in dentistryhas shifted to early interventions in time, andshe has attended countless hours of after-graduate trainingprograms to enhance herunderstanding of facial growth and growthguidance. She has been trained by ProfPatricia Valerio in Functional JawOrthopaedic mainly following Wilma Simoesand Pedro Planas' perspective.She works as Associate Dentist in Londonandprovides interceptive treatmentsincluding Wilma Simoes, Pedro Planas, ALFand Myobrace appliances for the patientsunder the age of 10.